Audit: Virgil lacking oversight of town finances

VIRGIL, N.Y. – Between Jan. 1, 2013 and Nov. 3, 2014, the town of Virgil failed to provide adequate oversight of the billing and collecting of water and sewer rents, according to an audit released by the New York State Comptroller’s Office.

The municipal audit released by the comptroller’s office Wednesday also found that the town’s bookkeeper “made decisions regarding water and sewer operations without proper authority,” auditors wrote.

The audit also found that both Greek Peak Mountain Resort and the Virgil Fire Department were being charged different rates than residential users, a decision that was not backed up by supporting documents.

The comptroller’s office recommended the Virgil Town Board establish policies that provide more guidance for the water and sewer billing process.

In a written response, town supervisor John Kaminski said the board is and will continue taking appropriate actions to improve accountability.

“This will include implementation of strong internal controls and strengthening oversight of all contractual operations,” Kaminski said. “Towards that end, the Town Board has already made improvements.”


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