Opinion: Perfetti best qualified for Cortland County District Attorney

Patrick Perfetti is joined by supporters at a press conference in Cortland (photo provided).

Patrick Perfetti is joined by supporters at a press conference in Cortland (photo provided).

Editor's Note: The following is an opinion piece submitted by Michael Bidwell, a private investigator based in Cortland.

As always, alternative or dissenting viewpoints are welcome. Submit guest columns to Editor Peter Blanchard at [email protected].

Of the two candidates running for the Cortland County District Attorney position, there is only one logical choice – Patrick Perfetti.

It's confusing to me that voters in our county would actually consider the current DA unless they do not personally know either candidate.

I have had the firsthand opportunity to work with and carry on business interactions with both candidates while witnessing their character, integrity, leadership and public interaction. I can attest with absolute factual certainty that Patrick Perfetti leads the race in all four of these key areas.

Please do not confuse my position with the current district attorney's youthful past. I evaluate each candidate on what type of leader they are today. With that being said, Cortland County needs change in the DA’S Office now more than ever. We need character, we need integrity, we need leadership and we need an individual who can work well with the public.

Finally, we need a district attorney that takes Cortland County’s crime problems seriously. A successful prosecution is not always about plea deals. Cortland County cannot suffer another term with the same leadership. We need Patrick Perfetti.

Michael Bidwell, CFI, LPI
Cortland, NY