City officials clarify policy on yard signs

(Photo Source: Unsplash).

City officials say they plan to enforce city code laws regarding yard signs for the remaining election cycle.

According to City Zoning Officer Robert Rhea, the area between the sidewalk and street is the public right-of-way; and the City of Cortland Zoning Code Section 300-113 C. prohibits placing signs in that area without a sign permit. The space in between the sidewalk and the street is a public area, and moving signs back onto your own side of the sidewalk also helps the neighborhood look nicer, Rhea added.

There is a limit of two lawn signs per household. All political signs need to be removed after the November election.

The changes to the zoning code were approved earlier this year, making an abuse of lawn signage an enforceable violation.

City Code Section 300-113 C. Signs Permitted and Prohibited 13, states that “Signs placed on a curb, sidewalk, hydrant, utility pole, trees or other objects located on or over any street or within the public right-of-way are prohibited unless otherwise permitted.”