Cortland Common Council Agenda: January 21, 2020

City Hall (Cortland Voice file photo)

Here is the agenda for tonight's Cortland Common Council meeting. We will be going live on Facebook at 7 p.m.

7:00 PM

Public hearing regarding submission of potential Community Development Block Grant applications to NYS Office of Community Renewal by City in 2020.

Public hearing regarding submission of a Community Development Block Grant application to NYS Office of Community Renewal by City on behalf of NY Hemp Oil.

- Call Meeting to Order

- Salute to the Flag of the United States

- Public Comments

- Mayor’s Report

- Minutes – Approval of minutes


Item #1– Consideration of a Resolution to approve the special event application along with other required applications for Porchfest on Sunday August 16, 2020 from 11AM -6PM. (Mayor Tobin)

Item #2– Consideration of a Resolution to waive the $250 amplified music fee for the special event Porchfest on Sunday August 16, 2020. (Mayor Tobin)

Item #3– Consideration of a Resolution authorizing the City of Cortland to submit a grant to NYS Office of Community Renewal on behalf of New York Hemp Oil in an amount not to exceed $750,000; authorizing the Mayor of the City of to sign said application on behalf of the City; and upon approval of said request, authorizing the Mayor of the City to enter into and execute a grant agreement with the State for such financial assistance awarded to the City of Cortland. (Thoma Development)

Item #4– Consideration of a Resolution to Amend the City’s 2020 General Fund Budget to Adjust for a 2019 Police Vehicle purchased in 2020. (Mack Cook)

Whereas, the City’s Adopted 2020 Budget was prepared to accommodate a department request to purchase in September 2019 a police vehicle from funds to be appropriated for in the 2020 Budget, and
Whereas, to accommodate the request the City provided for a reimbursement of the 2019 General Fund from the 2020 Budget, and Whereas, the police vehicle was not purchased in 2019 and is now being purchase in 2020. Therefore Be It Resolved, that the 2020 Budget is amended as following:

Increase Account Number A3120-340100Police Department Vehicles$47,000.00 
Decrease Account Number A9950-590000Fund Transfers($47,000.00)
Net Effect on 2020 General Fund Budget$0.00

Item #5– Consideration of a Resolution to Amend 2020 General Fund Budget to Accommodate Replacement of Police Department In-Vehicle Cameras. (Mack Cook)

Increase A3010-549500Police Department Equipment Account$6,000.00
Decrease A1680-540500IT Computer Replacement Program($2,000.00)
Decrease A1325-541600Finance Department Cont. Education($500.00)
Decrease A1325-541500Finance Department Professional Fees($1,500.00)
Decrease A3120-540300Police Department Office Supplies($500.00)
Decrease A3120-540301Police Department Office Equipment($500.00)
Decrease A3120-540800Police Department Safety Equipment($500.00)
Decrease A3120-541608Police Department Cont. Education($500.00)
Net Effect on 2020 Budget-$00.00-

Item #6– Consideration of a Resolution to authorize the Mayor to execute a contract to update Charter and Code Book with E-CODES ($ 5170.00-$5785.00). (Ric VanDonsel)

Item #7– Discussion of and setting date for a public hearing to amend City Code 107 (Vacant Building). (Ric VanDonsel)

Item #8– Consideration of a Resolution to prepare Request for Proposal regard auctioneer for 2019 “In Rem Foreclosure” auction to be held early summer 2020. (Ric VanDonsel)

Item #9– Consideration of a Resolution granting NYSDOT authority for the relocation and adjustment to the City of Cortland’s 8 inch NPS water main and appurtenances for the reconstruction of I-81 over the abandoned Lehigh Valley Railroad in the City of Cortland-BIN 1031381 and BIN 1031383 under Project Identification Number PIN 3501.61. (Chris Bistocchi)

Item #10– Discussion of Code Office sidewalk shoveling policy. (Captain TenKate)

Item #11– Consideration of a Resolution to accept, recognize and appropriate the following donations to the Youth Bureau. (John McNerney)




Budget Line

Todd & Michelle Funk


Youth Center Kitchen


Cortland Community Foundation


Parks & Rec program


Beverly Ellefson




SUNY Cortland Panhellenic


Park Improvements




Item #12– Consideration of a Resolution to establish a time line for environmental review of Parker School. (Ric VanDonsel)







Item #13– Consideration of a Resolution to establish the City as Lead Agency for the environmental review of the purchase of Parker School. (Ric VanDonsel)

Item #14– Consideration of a Resolution to determine significance of environmental impact of the purchase of Parker School. (Ric VanDonsel)

Item #15– Consideration of a Resolution to Amend the City’s Adopted General Fund Budget as follows: (Ric VanDonsel)

Decrease A3620-540100 Code Department Vehicle Acquisition($32,110.00)
Decease A3410-541500Fire Department Professional Services($5,000.00)
Decrease A3410-541600Fire Department Travel and Education($2,500.00)
Decrease A1325-541000Finance Department Education($490.00)
Increase A1429-541000Law Department Professional Services$40,000.00
Net Effect on Budget$0.00

Item #16– Consideration of a Resolution to Support the New York Conference of Mayor’s 2020 Legislative Program. (City of Cortland Common Council)

Whereas, the City of Cortland and its sister cities, towns and villages have worked diligently to control property taxes, utility rates, and fees while maintaining fundamental services, and Whereas, the City of Cortland – Common Council Whereas, the City of Cortland and its sister cities, towns, and villages now require an increase in funding from the State of New York in order to be able to continue providing vital local services to all New York State citizens and residents, and Whereas, the City of Cortland and its sister cities, towns and villages require the tools and commitment from the State of New York to continue breaking down the barriers to efficiency and community revitalization for the betterment of all New York State citizens and residents. Therefore Be It Resolved, that the Common Council of the City of Cortland joins with its sister cities, towns and villages to support the enactment of measures that;

  • Increases unrestricted State Aid to local governments
  • Establishes an annual State funding stream available to local governments to address water and sewer infrastructure needs.
  • Expand highway funding
  • Amend the newly enacted Criminal Justice Reforms
  • Limit the application and costs of the Prevailing Wage Mandate.

Item #17– Discussion to make Otter Creek Place intersection at Groton Avenue “DO NOT ENTER” from Groton Avenue. (Chris Bistocchi)
