Who’s watching your tax dollars? (Sponsored Content)

Scott Steve has a proven record of safeguarding public tax dollars, and has saved clients money with cost controls. The City of Cortland needs accountability and transparency after three audits have turned up a lack of oversight of City spending.

Two recent New York State audits found over $200,000 in inappropriate or unapproved spending.

  • Two state Comptroller’s audits this year found lack of financial and administrative oversight by the Mayor and Common Council.
  • One audit (*1) revealed that credit account purchases were “not properly supported or for questionable or inappropriate purchases,” including perfume and flowers.
  • The second audit (*2) cited overpayment to staff for leave and vacation hours valued at $134,900 during the audit period alone. The Comptroller recommended that the Council review the payments and seek reimbursement, which has not occurred.
  • According to the Comptroller, the “City paid $59,500 to provide health insurance for two Council members without proper approval and establishment of eligibility requirements and contribution rates.”
  • A review of the Comptroller’s audit in a Cortland Standard editorial (9/3/21) stated responsibility lies with the Mayor and the Common Council and labeled it “mis-management.”
  • Comptroller’s audits in 2010 identified similar problems, which the Mayor and Council failed to correct.

The City has overspent and created budget deficits over the last two years.

  • The City’s Independent Audit (*3) found weaknesses in financial reporting and reported that financial information and governmental activities should be monitored and recorded on a timely basis.
  • The audit also faulted the City’s budgeting for over-stating revenues, which resulted in the City spending more money than it had.
  • The Council’s failure to review current financial statements and constrain non-budgeted expenditures, along with not pursuing repayment of loans to not-for-profits, businesses and individuals, contributed to these deficits.


Scott Steve has a proven record of safeguarding public tax dollars, and saved clients money with cost controls.

  • While serving as Chairman of the County Legislature, Scott led a bi-partisan effort to restore financial accountability and modernize operations at the County level.
  • As a business consultant, he works with clients to reduce their costs, manage projects, and streamline operations.
  • Scott will place the review of the City’s fiscal activities on monthly Council meeting agendas.

    Please vote for Scott Steve on November 2nd. Visit www.scottsteveformayor.com to learn more.


3 -https://www.cortland.org/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Item/439?fileID=3973&fbclid=IwAR2-d-JNLD-_k3a9yoNAsCgVyjuSAiqOKr2s5SYClGsGGexaRs4Y4tjwDlE