Cincinnatus BOE discusses disciplinary report

(Photo via Cincinnatus Central Schools).

The Cincinnatus Central School District Board of Education (BOE) met recently to hear about the disciplinary report for grades 6-12 and vote on several items.

The next board meeting will take place on Thursday, Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m. in the library. Per board approval, the second meeting in October has been moved to a new date of Oct. 26, a Wednesday, rather than the usual Thursday.

Disciplinary Report

Secondary principal David Phetteplace informed the BOE about the disciplinary referrals made during the 2021-22 school year. According to Phetteplace, the majority of referrals at Cincinnatus were for minor infractions such as tardiness and swearing, and there were only two long-term suspensions for the year. 

It was reported that teachers are largely empowered to deal with minor issues on their own, and as a result those matters can usually be settled without escalation to the principal’s office. There has also been a shift in perspective, as Phetteplace explained, towards seeing students as being in need of positive adult interaction rather than discipline and punishment. 

Action Items

The board approved several policies, including a Code of Ethics which applies to the BOE members and all district personnel. Also approved was the contract of superintendent Todd Freeman, who had been working without a formal contract for several years. However, a resolution to authorize Freeman to employ temporary, part-time, per diem, or substitute personnel was determined to need more nuanced language before it would be approved.