Homer girls lacrosse to begin sectional play tonight

A special thank you goes to Visions Federal Credit Union for partnering with us to provide the greater Cortland County community with additional sports coverage

Photo from earlier in the season: Homer Girls Lacrosse. (Photo provided by Kevin L. Smith of The Cortland Voice).

The seedings and brackets for the upcoming Section III playoff tournaments were announced on Sunday (May 19th). 

The Homer Lady Trojans obtained the No.6-seed in the Section III Class D playoff tournament, after ending the regular season with an overall record of 11-5. 

Homer is scheduled to host the first round of the tournament tonight (Monday, May 20th) at Homer high school. 

The Lady Trojans will play against No.11-seed Immaculate Heart Central-Watertown, who ended their regular season with a 1-12 record. 

Tonight’s first round game at Homer high school is scheduled to begin at 6pm. 

The winner of tonight’s game between Homer and Immaculate Heart Central-Watertown will play in the sectional quarterfinals against No.3-seed Westhill at Westhill high school on Tuesday (May 21st) at 4:30pm.


A special thank you goes to Visions Federal Credit Union for partnering with us to provide the greater Cortland County community with additional sports coverage