Varsity Track & Field: Honan competed in New Balance Nationals; Throws personal record in hammer throw

A special thank you goes to Visions Federal Credit Union for partnering with us to provide the greater Cortland County community with additional sports coverage

Bryan Honan at the New Balance Nationals Outdoor Championships. (Photo sent to the Cortland Voice by Cortland coach Luke Schweider/ Photo taken by Melissa Petersen with permission to use).

Cortland senior Bryan Honan competed in the “New Balance Nationals Outdoor Championships” this past weekend. 

According to the New Balance Nationals Outdoor Championships’ website, the meet was held at Franklin Field, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Honan ended up placing 28th overall in the Hammer Throw event. 

Over 54 athletes competed in the Hammer Throw event, according to the New Balance Nationals’ results

According to Cortland coach Luke Schweider, “He (Honan) threw a personal record of 176 feet.”

A special thank you goes to Visions Federal Credit Union for partnering with us to provide the greater Cortland County community with additional sports coverage