Tips to keep yourself, family and pets safe during heat advisory

(Photo via Unsplash).

The extreme summer heat is in full force this week with a heat advisory that extends from Tuesday until, possibly, the end of the week.Tuesday’s Cortland Voice weather report by Drew Montreuil can be viewed here, where Montreuil does a deeper dive into the details on the heat wave.

With the hot weather pushing temperatures about 90 degrees, and a heat index higher than 100, the Cortland County Health Department has provided tips for yourself, your family and pets to keep cool during this stretch.

Tips from the county health department include key actions to “stay cool, hydrated, informed and to check on others,” according to a release.

When outdoors, the county health department suggested wearing a hat, sunglasses, sunscreen and to use shade (ex: umbrella). 

It is recommended to carry water around as well, the release noted. The county health department recommends drinking 2-to-4 glasses of water per hour and to avoid alcohol and caffeine.

In terms of activities, the county health department suggested limiting strenuous activities, opt for early morning or late evening hours and to take frequent breaks.

For home safety during the heat, it is recommended to stay on the lowest floor in a basement if air conditioning is not available. Check on groups vulnerable to the heat – including family members, older adults, neighbors and those with disabilities or chronic conditions.

The county health department noted that in terms of pets and livestock, make sure they have access to fresh water and shade. 

Further tips from the county health department can be found here.

Noted in the release, “Stay safe and take necessary precautions during this extreme heat period.”