Local officers graduate from police academy

(Photo Source: Unsplash).

A handful of officers from local law enforcement agencies recently graduated from the Syracuse police academy.

Officer Keith Wilson, of the Cortland County Sheriff’s Office, will join the road patrol division.

Cortland County Sheriff's officer Keith Wilson (right). (Photo via the Cortland County Sheriff's Office Facebook page).

The City of Cortland Police Department welcomes officers Chelsie Delperuto and Marcus Benjamin to their force. Both officers will begin field training this week.

City of Cortland police officers Chelsie Delperuto (middle, left) and Marcus Benjamin (middle, right). (Photo via the City of Cortland Police Department Facebook page).

The Homer Police Department brings on Jordan Cowen, who will also begin training soon.

Homer police officer Jordan Cowen. (Photo via the Homer Police Department Facebook page).