Cortland Weather Outlook: Friday, October 27


Your Cortland County weather forecast for Friday, October 27, 2023:

(Photo Source: Stephen Yang/The Cortland Voice).

Well above average temperatures will persist for one more day today.

A small disturbance this morning will bring some clouds and perhaps a stray shower. Most areas will probably not see any rain, though.

Even during the morning, some breaks of sunshine will be possible. These will increase during the afternoon with a pleasant mix of sun and clouds.

Southwest winds will continue to blow steadily with speeds slightly below 10 mph.

The sunshine and warm winds will help temperatures reach their high point of an already warm week. Even higher terrain should be at or above 70 degrees, and some parts of the county could flirt with 75 degrees.

Clouds will increase again tonight ahead of the first in a series of weather systems that will usher in significant changes to our weather. Some rain showers may start to enter around dawn on Saturday.

Southwest winds will remain steady through the evening and overnight.

With the extra cloud cover, it will be a very warm night. Evening temperatures will be well into the 60s and overnight lows will only reach about 60 degrees.

Here is a look at the weather for the next few days:

Saturday: Some morning showers. A little afternoon sun. Morning lows near 60 with temperatures rising to the mid 60s before noon. Afternoon temperatures fall into the mid and upper 50s.

Sunday: Rain likely, possibly steady and long lasting. Morning lows in the mid 40s. Afternoon highs near 50.

Monday: Cloudy with morning rain tapering to showers and drizzle. Temperatures steady in the low and mid 40s throughout the day.

Tuesday: Cloudy and chilly. Morning lows near 30. Afternoon highs in the mid 40s. Trick-or-treat evening temperatures in the upper 30s, possibly with some rain or snow arriving.