County Airport receives state funding for strategic infrastructure enhancements

County Airport. (Photo provided by Cortland County).

Gov. Kathy Hochul recently announced that 36 public-use airports, including the Cortland County Airport, across New York State will receive approximately $49 million for strategic infrastructure enhancements that will enhance safety, facilitate innovation, leverage existing resources, advance business development, and promote sustainability and resiliency.

The Cortland County Airport, also known as Chase Field, will receive $2.5 million toward the construction of a new conventional aircraft storage hangar building including offices and an expansion of the existing landside vehicle parking lot, according to a release.

“A strong investment in our airports is a meaningful investment in our communities and the future of the Empire State,” Hochul said. “Airports are gateways to communities large and small across New York State and these grants will serve as a launchpad to springboard many of these facilities into the 21st century and beyond.”

Other central New York-based airports to receive state funding include:

  • Oswego County Airport — $500,000 to acquire aviation fuel trucks.
  • Syracuse Regional Airport — $2.5 million toward the construction phase of a redesigned de-icing pad and control center to address current capacity and safety concerns.

A full list of NYS airports that received state funding can be found here.