Access to Independence to hold ‘Remember to Vote!’ event (Sponsored Content)

With Election Day just around the corner, it’s important that voices be heard during this time.

It’s what Access to Independence (ATI) executive director Alex Mikowski will be pushing forward this weekend as she assists people with disabilities with the process of voting.

In partnership with Just Chill Custom Gifting By Carol and the League of Women Voters of Cortland County, ATI will be hosting a “Remember to Vote!” event this Saturday (Nov. 4) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the showroom on 4 Main St.

“We want to encourage people to vote in general, but specifically people with disabilities,” Mikowski said. “(People with disabilities) vote less often than their non-disabled neighbors.”

People who stop in on Saturday, take a selfie with Mikowski and post it on social media (with #justchillcustomgifting) while in the store will get 10% on one item of choice in the Main Street store.

ATI received a grant from REV UP for Saturday’s event. REV UP is a national coalition that:

  • Make sure disabled voters are registered and ready to vote in every election.
  • Advocates for accessible voting processes, from register to vote to casting a ballot.

Mikowski noted that despite there not being significant state or federal election races this year, there’s still plenty of local propositions and local candidates on the ballot.

“It’s an opportunity to make a plan, try to overcome whatever barriers to get people engaged in voting,” Mikowski said. “Almost every municipality has a big issue happening. These local races have a more direct impact.”

Mikowski mentioned on the accessibility side, there are many challenges that people with disabilities face when going to vote. This includes physical accessibilities, not knowing where to park at a voting location or if they’re parking close enough to a location, and more.

“It’s good to think through what challenges you might face,” Mikowski said. She mentioned that the county has made voting machines more accessible, which also includes accessibility tools to vote independently.

“We’re excited that people can actually express their opinion and be heard,” Mikowski said.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Early voting runs until this Sunday (Nov. 5). Election information can be found here.