Motions scheduled for man accused of manslaughter in connection to death of son

Cortland County Courthouse. (Photo Source: Kevin L. Smith of The Cortland Voice).

Motions have been scheduled for a Cortland County Court case involving a man being accused of manslaughter in connection to the death of his son.

David H. Storie is being accused of involvement in the death of 33-year old Brandon Storie. According to reports, Brandon Storie was found dead in his bedroom on Oct. 19, 2023 by City of Cortland police officers at 184 Main St. (Apt. 1).

According to court documents, defense attorney Michael Korchak requested an omnibus motion in order to review materials with David Storie. County judge Julie Campbell approved Korchak’s request, noting that the defense has until July 12 to file a motion. A response from the district attorney’s office is due before July 26.

According to a city police report, city police investigated the death and discovered it to be suspicious. Following an autopsy, Brandon Storie’s death was ruled a homicide.

On April 19 of this year, the case went to the county grand jury. David H. Storie was indicted and charged with second-degree manslaughter and first-degree endangering the welfare of an incompetent/physically disabled person.

Court docs stated that David Storie allegedly did “recklessly cause the death” of Brandon Storie when David was “aware of and disregarded the substantial and unjustifiable risk of death.” Docs continued by saying that David Storie did “knowingly act in a manner likely to be injurious” to the welfare of Brandon Storie, who was “unable to care for himself.”

Back in early May, David Storie was released without bail following a sealed indictment court appearance and sent to the alternatives to incarceration (ATI) program.

Michael S. Storie and Nicholas A. Storie – Brandon’s siblings who were also arrested in connection to their brother’s death – each received a first-degree endangering the welfare of an incompetent/physically disabled person charge.

Michael Storie was arraigned in county court on Thursday, while Nicholas’ arraignment is scheduled for Friday morning.