Cortland County: Man damages vehicle, arrested on warrant

A man was arrested on a warrant last week after he allegedly damaged a vehicle, according to a report.

The Cortland County Sheriff’s Office report noted that Kraig K. McCombs, 29, of Parish (Oswego County), smashed the side window out of a victim’s vehicle in the town of Freetown. McCombs then proceeded to allegedly drive his vehicle into the victim’s vehicle, causing more damage, the report continued.

McCombs left the scene shortly thereafter. According to the report, the incident occurred at an earlier date.

McCombs was arrested on a warrant on Wednesday. He was charged with second-degree criminal mischief and first-degree reckless endangerment (both Class-D Felonies), and second-degree reckless endangerment (a Class-A Misdemeanor).

After his arraignment, McCombs was sent to Cortland County Jail without bail. McCombs is scheduled to appear in Freetown town court at 5 p.m. June 28.