Village announces upcoming DRI public input dates

Pat Clune, village of Homer deputy mayor. (Photo provided by the Village of Homer).

Residents interested in providing input for the village of Homer’s Downtown Revitalization Initiative process, as well as learning more about the proposed village beautification projects, will have a few dates to look out for this fall.

Through the DRI program, the village will have $10 million at their disposal to fund projects to improve a designated downtown area. The village won the pool of funds back in February and used $300,000 of those funds toward paying consultants to shepherd the Local Planning Commitee’s (LPC) eventual submission of a list of projects for state approval.

Village officials announced at Tuesday’s Board of Trustees meeting that members of the DRI’s LPC will be at the Homer Center for the Arts from 2 to 5 p.m. today (Wednesday, Sept. 27), presenting information on non-public projects considered.

Private projects are classified as large, if their price tag exceeds $200,000, and small if they are under that same amount.

Companies behind private projects will have to pay for 60% of the project’s cost if selected by the state.

“I find it highly informative even though they are not taking input at that point, but if you want to hear what the projects are, that is the perfect place,” Village deputy mayor Patrick Clune said at the meeting.

The next LPC meeting is next Thursday (Oct. 5). It will be the next opportunity for members of the community to provide feedback to the LPC.

“That’s when you can really make your voice heard,” Clune said. 

The meeting next Thursday will take place from 5:30-7 p.m. at the Homer town hall at 31 N. Main St. 

Further information on the Oct. 5 meeting is in the flyer below: